2sfg.com Overview

2sfg.com rank by Alexa is 2,288,628. 2sfg.com is estimated to have average of 60 unique users every day. 2sfg.com has 102 pageviews every day and it makes about 3 USD daily. WebInspect estimates 2sfg.com to worth 3,613 USD. 2sfg.com is most popular in United Kingdom.
Updated 4742 dayes ago.

2sfg.com Estimations

Traffic Rank 2,288,628
BackLinks 11
Daily visitors 60
Daily Pageview 102
Daily ads revenue $3.00
Yearly ads revenue $1,129.00
Worth $3,613.00
Title 2 Sisters Food Group
Description We are a major European food company supplying chicken products to the retail, food service and food manufacturing sectors. Our business philosophy is to work in partnership with our key customers to deliver a product of the highest quality and integrity. We strive to achieve this through a motivated and well trained workforce, procuct and process innovation and modern, well equipped factories.
Keywords [2sfg, 2 sisters, two sisters food group, chicken products, food service, food manufacturing]


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