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Title Villaments : Smart homes : Luxury homes : Villa for sale: Villas apartments
Description Zeus is a heavenly abode of 38 ultra-luxurious modern villas called as Villaments / Smart homes/ Luxury homes designed to be fit for kings. Spread across a sprawling green expanse these luxury homes are adorned with serene herbal gardens and magnificent landscaping built by AXR Properties ( which is specialized in Bangalore properties and residential properties is conceived by the young and dynamic third generation entrepreneur, Mr. Nimish Kamdar. Contact or call at 080-40950555.
Keywords [ Villaments, Smart homes, Luxury homes, Bangalore properties, Villa for sale, Villas apartments, Residential properties, Modern villas, Property Bangalore, Gated Community, Premium Villas, Bangalore Villas , Property Sales, Real Estate in Bangalore, Developers in Bangalore, Bangalore Property, Bangalore gated community plots, Villas in Harlur Road]


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