bushspeech.org Overview

bushspeech.org rank by Alexa is 2,015,425. bushspeech.org is estimated to have average of 75 unique users every day. bushspeech.org has 75 pageviews every day and it makes about 1 USD daily. WebInspect estimates bushspeech.org to worth 1,343 USD. bushspeech.org is most popular in United States.
Updated 4712 dayes ago.

bushspeech.org Estimations

Traffic Rank 2,015,425
BackLinks 69
Daily visitors 75
Daily Pageview 75
Daily ads revenue $1.00
Yearly ads revenue $419.00
Worth $1,343.00
Title Bushspeech
Description Make George W. Bush say what you want!
Keywords [bushspeech, george w. bush, speech, max min, max tertinegg, flash art, media art]


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