Overview rank by Alexa is 345,316. is estimated to have average of 240 unique users every day. has 984 pageviews every day and it makes about 18 USD daily. WebInspect estimates to worth 21,932 USD. is most popular in , United States, India, Turkey and Egypt.
Updated 4705 dayes ago. Estimations

Traffic Rank 345,316
BackLinks 17
Daily visitors 240
Daily Pageview 984
Daily ads revenue $18.00
Yearly ads revenue $6,853.00
Worth $21,932.00
Title Dress Up Games - Girl Games -
Description Cute Arcade is a fun site with tons of games just for girls. Test your fashion skills by dressing dolls with our dress up games or making them over with our makeover games. There are a lot of different dolls and themes to choose from. You can also design and decorate rooms with our dollhouse games. Or if cooking is your thing, enhance your skills as a chef by preparing tasty treats playing our cooking games.
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