dpi.wa.gov.au Overview

dpi.wa.gov.au rank by Alexa is 12,398. dpi.wa.gov.au is estimated to have average of 10,050 unique users every day. dpi.wa.gov.au has 34,873 pageviews every day and it makes about 81 USD daily. WebInspect estimates dpi.wa.gov.au to worth 95,528 USD. dpi.wa.gov.au is most popular in , Australia, United States, India, South Korea, United Kingdom, South Africa, China, Pakistan, Indonesia and New Zealand.
Updated 4716 dayes ago.

dpi.wa.gov.au Estimations

Traffic Rank 12,398
BackLinks 700
Daily visitors 10,050
Daily Pageview 34,873
Daily ads revenue $81.00
Yearly ads revenue $29,852.00
Worth $95,528.00
Title Department of Transport
Description The Department of Transport is the Western Australian State Department which leads creative solutions for transport planning and delivery, for the benefit of the community.
Keywords [transport, licensing, Western Australia]


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