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Title DR TOOT Musical Instrument Repairs - Brass & Woodwind Specialist
Description Welcome to DR TOOT - Brass & Woodwind Specialist. We do repair/service all wind musical instruments: flutes, piccolos, oboes, bassons, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets, cornet, trombones, euphoniums, French Horns, tenor horns, tubas, baritones...etc. We sell Pre-Loved (used / second hand) brass & woodwind musical instruments and accessories (mouthpieces, reeds, cases, maitenance products...etc.). We also offer private music lessons at home in Howick, Auckland. DR TOOT is official distributors for Henri Selmer Paris (France), Gonzalez Reeds (Argentina), Gottsu (Japan), Aizen (Japan) and WoodStone (Japan).
Keywords [sax repair, sax service, used saxophone, second hand sax to buy, flute service, flute repair nz, clarinet for sale nz, clarinet service, brass musial instruments, woodwind instruments, oboe repair, oboe services, bassoon, piccolo, trumpet service, trumpet repair, pre-loved instruments nz, seocond hand instruments to buy, used instrument for sale, trombone, euphonium, tuba, french horn, tenor horn, baritone, baritone sax, soprano sax, alto sax, tenor saxophone, alto horn, overhaul sax, musical instrument repair shop, Henri Selmer Paris distributor in New Zealand, Selmer sax, Selmer mouthpieces, Gonzalez Reeds in NZ, Gottus, Woodstone, Aizen, music lesson Auckland, Howick music shop, music store, wind instrument repair, sax accessories, sax pads, wind instruments specialist, repairer, instrument repair technician, Buffet, Vandoren]


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