hanze.nl Overview

hanze.nl rank by Alexa is 78,868. hanze.nl is estimated to have average of 1,350 unique users every day. hanze.nl has 7,695 pageviews every day and it makes about 47 USD daily. WebInspect estimates hanze.nl to worth 55,923 USD. hanze.nl is most popular in , Netherlands, Spain, Germany, United States and Bulgaria.
Updated 4741 dayes ago.

hanze.nl Estimations

Traffic Rank 78,868
BackLinks 504
Daily visitors 1,350
Daily Pageview 7,695
Daily ads revenue $47.00
Yearly ads revenue $17,476.00
Worth $55,923.00
Title Hanzehogeschool Groningen, de hogeschool van Groningen
Keywords []


Search terms hanze university groningen, helo, human technology, hanzehogeschool groningen, hanze, hanze university, groningen, groningen university, helo hanze, helo.hanze.nl
Additional terms 'hanye.nl', 'www.hanye.nl', 'hanye', 'рфтяуютд', 'цццюрфтяуютд', 'рфтяу', 'hqnwe:nl', 'zzz:hqnwe:nl', 'hqnwe', 'ישמזקץמך', "'''ץישמזקץמך", 'ישמזק'