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Updated 2392 dayes ago.

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Title Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church
Description Holy Resurrection is an Orthodox Christian Church located in Tucson AZ We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural American Orthodox congregation with parishioners originating from throughout the world, as well as a large number of American converts from a broad range of churches and beliefs. We maintain a continuity of worship which originated in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ as revealed through Holy Scripture and by the Church that has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles. All our services are in English, are family-oriented, kid friendly, and committed to worshiping God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in a reverent way. We extend a warm invitation to visitors of any faith to come and join us for our services and see the original Christian worship in the beauty of holiness that is nearly 2000 years old, yet even more relevant for today!
Keywords [Orthodox, Tucson, Antiochian]


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Additional terms 'рщднкуыгккусешщтюгы', 'цццюрщднкуыгккусешщтюгы', 'рщднкуыгккусешщт', 'holyresurrection:us', 'zzz:holyresurrection:us', 'holyresurrection', 'יםךטרקדוררקבאןםמץוד', "'''ץיםךטרקדוררקבאןםמץוד", 'יםךטרקדוררקבאןםמ', 'اخمغقثسعققثؤفهخىزعس', 'صصصزاخمغقثسعققثؤفهخىزعس', 'اخمغقثسعققثؤفهخى'

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