hood.de Overview

hood.de rank by Alexa is 9,139. hood.de is estimated to have average of 13,200 unique users every day. hood.de has 57,816 pageviews every day and it makes about 134 USD daily. WebInspect estimates hood.de to worth 157,465 USD. hood.de is most popular in , Germany, United States, Austria, Peru, Switzerland and Netherlands.
Updated 4752 dayes ago.

hood.de Estimations

Traffic Rank 9,139
BackLinks 995
Daily visitors 13,200
Daily Pageview 57,816
Daily ads revenue $134.00
Yearly ads revenue $49,207.00
Worth $157,465.00
Title Hood.de - Online Auktionen kostenlos
Description Deutschlands größte kostenlose Online-Auktion: Auktionen, Sofortkauf, Kleinanzeigen, Online-Shops. Über 1 Mio. Versteigerungen pro Tag.
Keywords []


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