j-game.net Overview

j-game.net rank by Alexa is 191,370. j-game.net is estimated to have average of 825 unique users every day. j-game.net has 3,630 pageviews every day and it makes about 26 USD daily. WebInspect estimates j-game.net to worth 31,092 USD. j-game.net is most popular in Japan.
Updated 4753 dayes ago.

j-game.net Estimations

Traffic Rank 191,370
BackLinks 55
Daily visitors 825
Daily Pageview 3,630
Daily ads revenue $26.00
Yearly ads revenue $9,716.00
Worth $31,092.00
Title �����Q�[�������h �i-GAME
Description ?????Q?[??????????????B
Keywords [?????Q?[??, ????????Q?[??, ?t???b?V???Q?[??]


Search terms ???, ??? ?? ???, ????, ????? ???, ?????, rennja-, raiden x, ????, tork, ???????
Additional terms 'о-пфьуютуе', 'цццюо-пфьуютуе', 'о-пфьу', 'j-gq,e:net', 'zzz:j-gq,e:net', 'j-gq,e', 'ח-עשצקץמקא', "'''ץח-עשצקץמקא", 'ח-עשצק', 'ت-لشةثزىثف', 'صصصزت-لشةثزىثف', 'ت-لشةث'