kugutsumen.com Overview

kugutsumen.com rank by Alexa is unknown. kugutsumen.com is estimated to have average of unknown unique users every day. kugutsumen.com has unknown pageviews every day and it makes about unknown USD daily. WebInspect estimates kugutsumen.com to worth unknown USD.
Updated 3959 dayes ago.

kugutsumen.com Estimations

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Title Activity Stream - Kugutsumen
Description This is the first & only uncensored EVE Online Forum... This is the premier site for airing EVE Online's dirty laundry. Kugutsumen was started by the disenfranchised hacker, AnthonyZ, who was permanently banned from EVE Online following his much-publicized revelation of a CCP developer cheating on behalf of his alliance. Frustrated with his inability to post publicly on CCP-owned forums, and embittered with heavy moderation, he started his own web site. Since then, it has maintained a fairly decent stable of regular posts, including daily null-sec news posts, a blog with highlights, and the occasional leak of various corporations' internal information. Be warned, though, it is largely un-moderated, and not necessarily a safe for work site. Also, it is run by a bona fide hacker, so you'd best have your security on if you are going to browse his site.
Keywords [eve online, kugutsumen, metagame, mmo, forums, game, security, spaceship]


Search terms
Additional terms 'лгпгеыгьутюсщь', 'цццюлгпгеыгьутюсщь', 'лгпгеыгьут', 'kugutsu,en:co,', 'zzz:kugutsu,en:co,', 'kugutsu,en', 'לועואדוצקמץבםצ', "'''ץלועואדוצקמץבםצ", 'לועואדוצקמ', 'نعلعفسعةثىزؤخة', 'صصصزنعلعفسعةثىزؤخة', 'نعلعفسعةثى'

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