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Updated 3941 dayes ago.

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Title Legg Calve Perthes Disease
Description Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is a problem in the hip that afflicts approximately 1 in 1250 children, often called Perthes disease, Of those children only about one in four are girls.
Keywords [perthes disease, legg calve perthes, legg perthes disease, legg calve perthes disease, legg calve perthes disease in children]


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Additional terms 'дуппсфдмузукеруывшыуфыующкп', 'цццюдуппсфдмузукеруывшыуфыующкп', 'дуппсфдмузукеруывшыуфыу', 'leggcqlveperthesdiseqse:org', 'zzz:leggcqlveperthesdiseqse:org', 'leggcqlveperthesdiseqse', 'ךקעעבשךהקפקראיקדגןדקשדקץםרע', "'''ץךקעעבשךהקפקראיקדגןדקשדקץםרע", 'ךקעעבשךהקפקראיקדגןדקשדק', 'مثللؤشمرثحثقفاثسيهسثشسثزخقل', 'صصصزمثللؤشمرثحثقفاثسيهسثشسثزخقل', 'مثللؤشمرثحثقفاثسيهسثشسث'