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Title White Plains Family Law Attorney | Westchester County Divorce, Support and Child Custody Attorney
Description White Plains Family Law Attorney - Marcia E. Kusnetz We at The Law Office of Marcia E. Kusnetz, P.C. have a reputation for being a  fair, yet tough White Plains family law attorney and divorce lawyer. Our firm also represents clients in Westchester County,  Rockland County, New York County and Manhattan. Whether our clients are going through divorce, private family matters, matrimonial issues, child support, custody and parental access, interim and post-judgment alimony awards, commercial litigation, equitable division of assets or other family law matters, Marcia E. Kusnetz is here to represent you in any court. Our clients feel comfortable and confident with Marcia E. Kusnetz, an experienced family law attorney and divorce lawyer for over 30 years. No legal matter is too complex for our law firm to handle. Each of our clients receives personal attention to their legal situation. We make sure your rights are protected, and that your divorce issues or family law issues are handled with
Keywords [law firm, law office, legal advice, lawyer, attorney, attorneys, divorce, family law, child support, custody]


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