miit.gov.cn Overview

miit.gov.cn rank by Alexa is 23,943. miit.gov.cn is estimated to have average of 5,025 unique users every day. miit.gov.cn has 13,065 pageviews every day and it makes about 32 USD daily. WebInspect estimates miit.gov.cn to worth 38,415 USD. miit.gov.cn is most popular in , China and United States.
Updated 4736 dayes ago.

miit.gov.cn Estimations

Traffic Rank 23,943
BackLinks 1,177
Daily visitors 5,025
Daily Pageview 13,065
Daily ads revenue $32.00
Yearly ads revenue $12,004.00
Worth $38,415.00
Title 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
Keywords []


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