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Title Next Exit Hollywood - Reality Show
Description Next Exit Hollywood - Reality Show | Coming Soon

The world is full of talent, someone once said people judge beauty not talent.
The fashion industry created twenty-five billion dollar income in the year 2011 that included model search, print magazines, and tv shows in the USA alone. The world is not only USA, the world includes other continents such as Ukraine, Middle East, Africa, and Russia.
Reality-show that will give a CHANCE to millions of young people to become FAMOUS throughout the WORLD.
NEXTEXITHOLLYWOOD will provide young people with an OPPORTUNITY to upload their pictures and receive a FEEDBACK from FASHION industry MAJORS with upcoming offers’n’contracts.
Keywords [The world is full of talent, someone once said people judge beauty not talent.
The fashion industry created twenty-five billion dollar income in the year 2011 that included model search, print magazines, and tv shows in the USA alone. The world is not only USA, the world includes other continents such as Ukraine, Middle East, Africa, and Russia.
Reality-show that will give a CHANCE to millions of young people to become FAMOUS throughout the WORLD.
NEXTEXITHOLLYWOOD will provide young people with an OPPORTUNITY to upload their pictures and receive a FEEDBACK from FASHION industry MAJORS with upcoming offers’n’contracts.


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