oekotest.de Overview

oekotest.de rank by Alexa is 41,548. oekotest.de is estimated to have average of 3,150 unique users every day. oekotest.de has 12,914 pageviews every day and it makes about 42 USD daily. WebInspect estimates oekotest.de to worth 49,803 USD. oekotest.de is most popular in , Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Spain.
Updated 4725 dayes ago.

oekotest.de Estimations

Traffic Rank 41,548
BackLinks 1,371
Daily visitors 3,150
Daily Pageview 12,914
Daily ads revenue $42.00
Yearly ads revenue $15,563.00
Worth $49,803.00
Title www.oekotest.de ÖKO-TEST Online Homepage
Description Die Internetseiten von ÖKO-TEST, dem kritischen Verbrauchermagazin zum Richtig gut leben
Keywords [ÖKO-TEST Online Homepage, öko-test, testberichte, news, themen, kosmetik, kinder, erziehung, gesundheit, beratung, verbraucher, umwelt, tests, bio, magazin, öko-haus, ratgeber, ökotest, service]


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