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Updated 3098 dayes ago.

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Title Women's Rugby Club at Ohio State - Ohio State University Women's Rugby
Description The Women's Rugby Team at Ohio State University is a Division 1 national contender year-in and year-out. Founded in 1975 but revitalized in 1999, we have multiple national titles, national team players and collegiate All-Americans. We strive to have fun, do our best and be great teammates for each other on and off the field.
Keywords [Rugby, womens rugby, OSU rugby, OSU Womens Rugby, Ohio State Rugby, Ohio State Womens Rugby, Columbus Ohio, National Championship, I want to play rugby in college, where can I play rugby in college, great rugby team, good rugby team, great rugby, all american, all-american, big ten, big 10, big ten rugby]


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Additional terms 'щыгцкасюсщь', 'цццющыгцкасюсщь', 'щыгцкас', 'osuzrfc:co,', 'zzz:osuzrfc:co,', 'osuzrfc', "םדו'רכבץבםצ", "'''ץםדו'רכבץבםצ", "םדו'רכב", 'خسعصقبؤزؤخة', 'صصصزخسعصقبؤزؤخة', 'خسعصقبؤ'