spectorsoft.com Overview

spectorsoft.com rank by Alexa is 78,499. spectorsoft.com is estimated to have average of 1,799 unique users every day. spectorsoft.com has 4,499 pageviews every day and it makes about 15 USD daily. WebInspect estimates spectorsoft.com to worth 17,811 USD. spectorsoft.com is most popular in , United States, Italy, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, Germany, Israel, Turkey and Egypt.
Updated 4747 dayes ago.

spectorsoft.com Estimations

Traffic Rank 78,499
BackLinks 521
Daily visitors 1,799
Daily Pageview 4,499
Daily ads revenue $15.00
Yearly ads revenue $5,566.00
Worth $17,811.00
Title Computer and Internet Monitoring Software
Description SpectorSoft develops and supports Internet monitoring software for home users, business, education, and government. SpectorSoft Internet monitoring software will record web sites, keystrokes, emails, chats, instant messages, Facebook activity, MySpace activity, snapshots and much more.
Keywords [Spector, Spector Pro, eBlaster, Spector Server, Spy software, recording, internet monitoring, computer monitoring, monitoring software, detective software, recorder, screen capture, snapshot, internet spy, Spy, filtering, Internet filtering, Pedophiles, Internet blocker, software, PC recorder, VCR, monitoring software, activity recorder, spycam, surveillance, SpectorSoft, surveillance software]


Search terms spector pro, spectorsoft, internet monitor, spector pro 2010, internet monitoring, spector soft, spector, eblaster, internet monitoring software, mac monitoring software
Additional terms 'spectorsoft.com', 'www.spectorsoft.com', 'spectorsoft', 'spectorsoft:co,', 'zzz:spectorsoft:co,', 'spectorsoft', 'spectorsoft.com', 'www.spectorsoft.com', 'spectorsoft', 'דפקבאםרדםכאץבםצ', "'''ץדפקבאםרדםכאץבםצ", 'דפקבאםרדםכא'