ufv.ca Overview

ufv.ca rank by Alexa is 136,424. ufv.ca is estimated to have average of 757 unique users every day. ufv.ca has 5,529 pageviews every day and it makes about 64 USD daily. WebInspect estimates ufv.ca to worth 75,160 USD. ufv.ca is most popular in , Canada, India and United States.
Updated 4702 dayes ago.

ufv.ca Estimations

Traffic Rank 136,424
BackLinks 256
Daily visitors 757
Daily Pageview 5,529
Daily ads revenue $64.00
Yearly ads revenue $23,487.00
Worth $75,160.00
Title University of the Fraser Valley (UFV): study in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, (BC, Canada)
Description University of the Fraser Valley, a post-secondary institution of higher learning in British Columbia, Canada.
Keywords [education, post-secondary, learning, Fraser Valley, continuing studies, bachelor degree, BA, diploma, certificate, British Columbia, school, studies, study, Canadaian academic institution, UFV]


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