wayn.com Overview

wayn.com rank by Alexa is 1,477. wayn.com is estimated to have average of 61,875 unique users every day. wayn.com has 468,393 pageviews every day and it makes about 994 USD daily. WebInspect estimates wayn.com to worth 1,161,099 USD. wayn.com is most popular in , India, United States, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Mexico, Italy, Canada, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Australia.
Updated 4687 dayes ago.

wayn.com Estimations

Traffic Rank 1,477
BackLinks 778
Daily visitors 61,875
Daily Pageview 468,393
Daily ads revenue $994.00
Yearly ads revenue $362,843.00
Worth $1,161,099.00
Title WAYN.COM (Where Are You Now?): The world's largest travel and lifestyle social network - WAYN.COM
Description Meet like-minded people based on where you would love to go and what you would love to do.
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