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Title Refractory,Refractories,Refractory Material,Castable Refractory,Nozzle Refractory,FireBrick Refractory Sale,Refractory Mortar Products
Description ChangXing Refractory supplies refractory products and material over the world for more than 30+ years.Refractory including castable cement,nozzle,firebrick,insulating refractory,coating material,slide gate fire clay refractory,alumina refractory,plastic refractory which used in EAF,blast furnace,ladle,tundish,metallurgy or other industry.
Keywords [refractory, refractories, refractory materials, refractory products, castable refractory cement, nozzle, castable, fire brick, refractory mortar, fire clay, coating material, alumina long nozzle, clay bricks]


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